Low Cost Protection For Paper Info In The Kitchen

A useful and inexpensive item to keep around the kitchen is a roll of clear contact paper. It’s also referred to as “laminating adhesive”, “clear peel n’ stick” or “shelf liner”.
Aside from its original use as a surface protector for old cabinet shelves, clear contact paper can be put to use as a low-cost recipe saver.
Many experienced cooks regularly find food tips and recipes in magazines or make use of a new combination of ingredients after printing them out from websites. If you’re like them, you’ll need a way to keep those articles or printouts safe from spills and easy to keep clean.
Read More: Kitchen Cabinets and Accessories
The cheapest way to do it is to sandwich those articles and images between the adhesive clear plastic of contact paper and trim the edges with a pair of scissors.
There’s no need to stop at recipes either. If you have a kitchen scattered with loose cards, addresses, often used notes, or phone numbers . . . those too can be gathered, arranged on a large, sticky clear sheet, and covered with a second. An added advantage is that you’ll be able to see both sides of all those notes!
Pick up a roll the next time you go shopping and try it with a small list of phone numbers or web addresses. It really keeps the paper free from moisture, smudging, and tearing! Also, a single roll will last a good long time.